Compass of peace and happiness

No one should allow themselves to be held hostage by people or situations that prevent them from fulfilling the mission of their current existence. It is up to the individual to be the protagonist of their own life, submitting their decisions to the filters of reason, responsibility and moral principles that they deem non-negotiable.


Either conscience or decadence

The primacy of conscience must be unquestionable, or personal conveniences will easily open channels for conniving with evil.

Not the social conventions, which tend to mask moral rottenness…

Not the mere observance of the law, which, as history so clearly reveals, is sometimes unjust and completely immoral…

Not the pact with religious precepts or [...]

The impermanence, complexity and lucidity of faith

Manage your crises by lessening unbalanced factors, by containing impulses that cannot be addressed immediately and by sublimating destructive elements that are already susceptible to being converted into constructive variables.

Do not fear adversities – they all pass, while the lessons they provide remain forever. Although it sounds cliché, it is a fact that, [...]

Better attunement (2)


Modest in speaking.

Moderate in eating.

Thoughtful in thinking.

Dynamic in acting.

Meditative in reacting.

Tireless in learning.

Unchangeable in praying and serving.


Understanding in relationships.

Indulgent in remembering.

Calm in planning.


Happy in being.

Persistent in the ideal.

Unshakeable in the essential…


Therefore, remain as serene, generous and wise as [...]

Demolition of the dysfunctional, edification of the better

As the Christ-Verb Jesus taught, the truth (what you need to know at a given evolutionary moment) frees¹ (from what is vicious or harmful) – as much as it elucidates what lies confusing or contradictory and, despite the blunt pain of the stroke of the symbolic sword that represents it, it still pacifies by [...]