The primacy of conscience must be unquestionable, or personal conveniences will easily open channels for conniving with evil.
Not the social conventions, which tend to mask moral rottenness…
Not the mere observance of the law, which, as history so clearly reveals, is sometimes unjust and completely immoral…
Not the pact with religious precepts or with moralistic values of a certain time and place, because they usually become not only hypocritical, but diabolical…
Only the axis of conscience, the core of the spirit, reverberating the Voice of God in the center of the being, gives the creature, according to the evolutionary level of each one, the power to preserve themselves from great spiritual deviations and hellish cliffs, which exist by Divine Authorization, in His-Her Infinite Respect for human free will.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
August 2, 2024