From humor to love

Love is the beginning and the end of everything.

But, before it, there is goodness, tenderness, compassion.

If you cannot feel even this, beloved child, try to experience friendship, fraternity, sympathy, or have a good laugh with someone — as long as you do not laugh at anyone. When love is not possible, start with uplifting humor.

Authentic wisdom is often expressed with good humor. In this regard, the distinguished psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung rightly warned that the absence of humor is a sign of syntony with evil.

Altruism is also a form of love, because it is acting with goodness, even if the one promoting the good deed does not nurture this feeling in their heart.

It is worth reiterating what has already been requested before and elsewhere: discipline yourself in performing, every day, one act of anonymous charity without expecting anything in return. In other words, direct your daily gesture of generosity to brothers (sisters) in humanity who are unable to repay you in any way – this is the reason for the suggested facultative anonymity.

Thus, over time, the practice of benevolence will convert into love embedded within your soul. And love, dear child, is God among us and within the depths of our hearts.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
March 20, 2011

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