Martin Luther King and Aristotle: what is right and who we are

The highlight of 10/15/23 lecture

Would the apocalypse be imminent and inevitable?

Hecatombs with apocalyptic potential are taking shape and multiplying frighteningly, from a human perspective.

The slaughters perpetrated against children and defenseless citizens continue, in a Dantesque and seemingly unstoppable scene, with a clear inclination to worsen and get out of control.

Everywhere, from academic debates to the headlines of respectable news outlets, through the [...]

The power of our influence

The highlight of 10/09/23 lecture

Triad of evil

The highlight of 12/24/23 lecture

When one is neither a genius nor a saint

The genius and wisdom of spirits matured in the crucible of centuries may be inaccessible to you, beloved child.

The prudence, however, to evaluate with criteria what is practical, realistic and constructive to do, will always be viable for you.

The holiness and compassion of souls gifted with [...]