God Notices You

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eustáquio

If you find yourself in the battlefield for the victory of good, never think you are by yourself. No matter how abandoned you feel, you are followed, at a distance, by unnoticed angels, or, closely, by friendly souls that sustain your limping steps, so that you reach your objective of faith.

You long for the spectacular strength of the heroes; the phenomenal mediumship of great writing or healing mediums; the substantial charitable realizations of great missionaries of good; the impressive rhetoric of great speakers; the intellectual brightness of reincarnated geniuses.

Meanwhile, if you can go on doing a little every day, spreading fraternity and peace everywhere, providing sincere service to others, you are, dear friend, representing God wherever you are, even if no one sees your gesture of sacrifice, neither the idealistic effort of giving your best.

However, in facing this, dear friend: if God notices you, rewarding your good efforts, I frankly ask you: what else matters?

(Message received on December 14, 2004.)
(Translated by Paulo Andrade – Revised by Marcone Vieira)

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